Joey Shermans

Joey Shermans

Table of Contents

Dalmatian laying down

Step by step guide:


Teaching your Dalmatian to “lay down” is an invaluable command that offers numerous advantages. By mastering this skill, your Dalmatian will enjoy enhanced obedience and improved behaviour. This command is particularly beneficial when venturing into busy public spaces, ensuring your dog remains calm and well-behaved amidst distractions.

Our experienced trainers have outlined the steps to teaching your Dalmatian this skill quickly and efficiently:

Step 1: Laying down

  • Get your Dalmatian in the down position
  • Hold a treat in front of your Dalmatian’s nose and lower your hand to the ground.
  • As your Dalmatian follows the treat, their body should naturally lower to the ground.
  • Once they are in the down position, give them the treat and lots of praise.

Step 2: Use the command

Once your Dalmatian is in the down position, use the command “lay down.” Say the command in a clear, firm voice, and make sure to use the same words every time. This will help your Dalmatian learn to associate the command with the behaviour.

Step 3: Practise regularly

Practise the lay down command regularly with your Dalmatian. Start with short training sessions of just a few minutes each, and gradually increase the length of the sessions as your Dalmatian becomes more comfortable with the command. Practice in different environments and with different distractions to help your Dalmatian generalise the behaviour.

Step 4: Fade the treats

Once your Dalmatian has learned the lay down command, you can start fading the treats. Start by giving treats every other time they successfully complete the behaviour, then every third time, and so on. Eventually, you can stop giving treats altogether and rely on praise and affection as rewards

Step by step video:

Problem Solving

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your Dalmatian may have trouble learning the lay down command. Here are some problem-solving tips to help you overcome common challenges:

  • If your Dalmatian is having trouble getting into the down position, try luring them with a treat or using a verbal cue like “down.”
  • If your Dalmatian is getting distracted or losing focus, try training in a quieter, more controlled environment or using higher-value treats to increase their motivation. This could be shifting to a quieter environment and minimising background noise.
  • If your Dalmatian is exhibiting signs of stress or anxiety during training, take a break and try again later. Training should always be a positive experience for both you and your dog.

Benefits of teaching your dog to lay down


Enhanced Obedience: Teaching your Dalmatian to lay down reinforces their overall obedience, making them more responsive and attentive to other commands you give them.

Calmer Demeanour: Regularly practising the “lay down” command can help your Dalmatian maintain a calm and composed demeanour, especially in exciting or stressful situations. It can help them relax and remain focused.

Improved Socialization: When your Dalmatian knows how to lay down on command, it becomes easier to manage their behavior in busy places. This skill allows you to keep them close, preventing them from getting too excited or overwhelmed, and promoting better socialization with other dogs and people.

Physical Relaxation: Encouraging your Dalmatian to lay down provides them with an opportunity to rest their muscles, reducing the risk of strain or fatigue. It helps promote physical relaxation and comfort.

Safety in Crowded Areas: Teaching your Dalmatian to lay down on cue ensures they stay in one place and out of harm’s way when you visit crowded public spaces. It helps prevent accidents and distractions, allowing you to keep them focused and safe.


The amount of time it takes for a Dalmatian to learn to lay down can vary depending on their age, experience, and individual personality. However, with consistent training, most Dalmatians can learn to lay down within a few weeks.

The best age to teach your Dalmatian the ‘lay down’ command is during their puppyhood, from 8 weeks old. This is because their brain is still developing, and they are more receptive to learning new skills and behaviours.

During their early months, your Dalmatian’s brain is growing rapidly, and this is the optimal time to introduce them to new experiences and skills. By exposing your puppy to a range of positive experiences, including training, you’re helping to shape their brain development and setting them up for success in the future.


